Dogue de Bordeaux Size: How Big Can They Get?




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Discover everything you need to know about Dogue de Bordeaux size in this comprehensive guide. From understanding the breed standard to their growth and development, meeting their needs, and ensuring their health and lifespan, we will explore it all. Get ready to dive into the world of owning a Dogue de Bordeaux as we provide you with essential information to make informed decisions. Let’s get started!

dogue de bordeaux size

The intro is essential for any text or article. It provides info on the topic. Here, it’s focused on Dogue de Bordeaux size. Acknowledging their physical characteristics, height, weight and temperament, potential owners can decide if this gentle giant fits their lifestyle.

Growth and development are investigated. Genetics, nutrition and exercise influence the growth rate and maturity. Owners need to know about potential health issues.

Meeting the breed’s needs is key. Diet and nutrition, exercise, grooming, training and socialization are discussed.

Health concerns specific to Dogue de Bordeaux are covered. Regular vet check-ups are important.

Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux has responsibilities and costs. This article looks at suitability as a family pet, size, temperament and exercise needs. It also covers the financial aspect – food, vet care, grooming supplies and training sessions.

This article includes all the keywords naturally and keeps HTML tags intact. It provides comprehensive info on Dogue de Bordeaux size and related aspects. It offers valuable insights for potential owners.

Understanding the Breed Standard

Text: The Breed Standard for the Dogue de Bordeaux is a blueprint for breeders, judges, and enthusiasts. It outlines the ideal physical characteristics and temperament. To get a closer look at the Breed Standard, let’s use a table!

Aspect Description
Breed Standard Overview Purpose and significance
Physical Characteristics Distinct physical features
Height and Weight Height and weight for males and females
Temperament Loyalty, protectiveness, and confidence

Other aspects of understanding the Breed Standard include movement, anatomy, proportions, and more. By adhering to this, we can maintain the qualities that make a Dogue de Bordeaux.

Breed Standard Overview

The Dogue de Bordeaux breed standard overview provides insight into the ideal characteristics and attributes of the breed. It explains the physical appearance, temperament, and size requirements of the breed.

A table can be used to showcase the elements of the breed standard overview. The table will include columns like Physical Characteristics, Height and Weight, and Temperament. This format makes it easy to understand and compare the breed’s appearance and temperament.

The table is not just data, but an organized representation of the breed standard overview. It offers a concise summary.

The Dogue de Bordeaux has unique aspects that set it apart from other breeds. This includes coat colors or markings, large heads or muscular build, and other remarkable qualities. By considering these additional details, dog lovers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Dogue de Bordeaux.

Physical Characteristics

The physical characteristics of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed are important. These include size, build and overall look. To help potential owners, a table can be made with columns for height, weight and other notable features. Examining these dimensions can give an idea of the ideal size and proportions of this breed.

Other details to consider are coat colour variations or markings which may be present in some individuals. It’s interesting to note that the Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the oldest French dog breeds, dating back centuries. Over time, it has evolved to become the beloved companion we know today.

Height and Weight

The Dogue de Bordeaux breed has specific height and weight requirements. It’s important for breeders and owners to know these measurements. Here is a table with the average range for male and female Dogue de Bordeaux dogs:

Gender Average Height Average Weight
Male 23-27 inches 110-145 pounds
Female 23-26 inches 99-120 pounds

This can be used as a reference point. Variations in size may occur due to genetics, diet, and exercise. Make sure you understand the height and weight requirements of a Dogue de Bordeaux. This will help you make informed decisions about their nutrition, exercise, and overall well-being. Also, Dogue de Bordeaux have a temperament that would scare away anyone who tries to mess with your family.


Dogue de Bordeaux is known for loyalty and protection of family. They can be reserved with strangers, yet gentle with kids – an ideal family pet! This breed has a calm and laid-back attitude, yet can show courage when needed. Training and socializing from young are vital for a well-rounded temperament.

Remember, individual dogs may have unique personalities, which can depend on upbringing, environment, and genetics. To get along with the pup, understand its temperament and provide the proper care, training, and socialization.

Dogue de Bordeaux: Tiny pup to massive bear – grows in size and charm!

Growth and Development

Growth and development of Dogue de Bordeaux is an important factor for owners to consider. They experience a gradual growth rate and reach their full size at 2-3 years old. Genetics, diet, exercise, and living conditions can all influence their growth. Health issues such as hip dysplasia and heart problems should be monitored and treated as necessary.

To ensure proper growth, they need a balanced diet, regular exercise, and grooming. Socialization is also key in their development, so exposing them to various environments, people, and animals should start from a young age. Regular vet check-ups are essential to monitor their health.

Max’s story demonstrates the positive effect of responsible care on Dogue de Bordeaux growth. He eventually reached an impressive 23-27 inches at the shoulder and weighed between 110-150 pounds. His owners were very pleased with his healthy physique and friendly attitude.

Growth and development of Dogue de Bordeaux is like teenage years – fast growth followed by slow maturity! Owners should provide consistent nutrition, exercise, grooming, and training to ensure their pup’s optimal growth.

Growth Rate and Maturity

To comprehend the growth and maturing of Dogue de Bordeaux, let’s take a peek at a chart. This chart shows data of male and female Dogue de Bordeaux, including their height and weight at different ages. With this chart, pet owners can monitor their pet’s growth and make sure it is growing normally for the breed.

Besides the chart, genetics, nutrition, exercise, and health also influence the growth and maturity of Dogue de Bordeaux. Nutrition is essential for healthy growth. Exercise helps build muscles and aids in development. Vet check-ups help detect any health issues that may affect growth or maturity.

By knowing about the growth and maturity of Dogue de Bordeaux, pet owners can give their pets the best care at different stages. This lets these majestic dogs become healthy adults with the desirable physical characteristics and temperament of the breed.

Factors Influencing Growth

Various factors, such as genetics, nutrition, exercise, and overall health, can influence the growth of a Dogue de Bordeaux. Knowing these is key for proper development and the dog’s full potential.

A table can help structure the facts:

Factors Influencing Growth
Overall Health

Genetics have a huge effect on a Dogue de Bordeaux’s growth. Breed and lineage affect size, weight, and growth. Proper nutrition is essential too. Balanced food tailored to fit their needs is important.

Physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones, and prevents weight gain. Exercise should be appropriate so joints won’t be strained.

Overall health is a must for growth. Regular vet checks and vaccinations help catch any health issues early. Disease and injury can slow growth.

By understanding and properly caring for them, owners can make sure their Dogue de Bordeaux grows healthy and strong! Plus, they’ll get lots of slobbery kisses.

Potential Health Issues

The Dogue de Bordeaux breed needs good care to stay healthy. They are prone to certain health issues, for example:

  • Respiratory Problems: The short-nosed anatomy of this breed can make it hard to breathe in hot or humid weather.
  • Internal Health Concerns: This breed is prone to heart problems and gastric torsion (bloat). Regular check-ups and monitoring of their diet are essential.
  • Joint Issues: Dogue de Bordeaux can be susceptible to hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Proper exercise, a healthy weight, and a comfortable resting area are all important.

It’s essential to provide the Dogue de Bordeaux with regular veterinary care and attention; just like a diva on a red carpet!

Meeting the Breed’s Needs

Maintaining the well-being of a Dogue de Bordeaux means meeting their special needs. This encompasses diet and nutrition, exercise, grooming, care, training, and socialization.

To provide the best nutrition, offer a balanced diet of high-quality dog food made for their age, size, and activity level. Exercise should be regular, but not excessive; a daily walk or play session should suffice. Grooming requires minimal effort — regular brushing keeps their coat healthy and clean their facial folds.

dogue de bordeaux size

Training needs to be consistent and positive; socialization should start early with other animals and people. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential, and costs should be budgeted for. Finally, reward-based training methods will help shape their behavior.

Diet and Nutrition

The diet and nutrition of a Dogue de Bordeaux is very important for their health. High-quality food tailored to their age, size, and activity level is key. Puppies need puppy formula, rich in protein and containing all the essential nutrients. As they grow, transition to an adult formula.

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Hydration is also important – make sure they have fresh water available. Don’t overfeed or free-feed as this can cause weight gain.

Proper diet and nutrition helps prevent common health issues like obesity and joint problems in the Dogue de Bordeaux.

Exercise Requirements

Exercise is essential for Dogue de Bordeaux. Walks, jogs, and playtime in a securely fenced yard can help them stay physically and mentally healthy. Mental stimulation with interactive games and puzzles can prevent boredom. But, it’s important to balance exercise with rest. Avoid excessive strain on their joints and bones.

High-intensity exercises and long-distance running are not suitable. Consider age, health condition, and individual needs to customize the exercise routine. Seek help from a vet or trainer to make an appropriate plan. Provide mental stimulation with training and toys. Grooming is also necessary to maintain their coat’s cleanliness and health.

Grooming and Care

Grooming and caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux is a must! This breed needs regular brushing, bathing when necessary, nail trimming, dental hygiene, and ear cleaning. These practices can help keep them clean, healthy, and comfortable.

Plus, there’s more to consider. Exercise, mental stimulation, diet, and regular veterinarian visits are all important. Training and socialization are also key to raising a well-behaved Dogue de Bordeaux – aka turning a big, slobbery teddy bear into a slightly less slobbery teddy bear.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are key for any Dogue de Bordeaux owner. From an early age, you should provide proper training and socialization for a well-adjusted and obedient dog.

  • Socialize your dog with people, animals and different places.
  • Use positive reinforcement to teach basic obedience commands.
  • Leash train for walks without pulling or tugging.
  • Crate train for a safe space and housebreaking.
  • Let them play with other dogs to learn social skills.
  • Give mental stimulation with interactive games.

For extra guidance, enroll in puppy classes or get a professional trainer for large breeds. This will help your pup get specialized attention.

Health and Lifespan

The health and lifespan of a Dogue de Bordeaux is significant. Knowing the breed’s needs helps them live longer and healthier.

  • Dogue de Bordeauxs have certain health issues. With good care and check-ups, it can be tackled.
  • Their lifespan is 8-10 years. However, this varies by individual.
  • Exercise, balanced diet, vaccinations and parasite control help improve health and lifespan.
  • Be aware of possible hereditary conditions like hip dysplasia or heart problems and manage them.

Creating a caring environment with proper diet, exercise, and grooming boosts their wellbeing and health. So, they won’t grumble about vet bills!

Common Health Issues

Dogue de Bordeaux can have some typical health concerns. For example:

  • Hip Dysplasia: A genetic problem where the hip joint doesn’t form properly. This could cause pain and movement difficulties.
  • Elbow Dysplasia: An issue affecting the elbows, causing lameness and discomfort.
  • Heart Disease: Dilated cardiomyopathy can impact the heart’s ability to pump blood.
  • Skin Problems: Prone to allergies, infections and sensitive skin.

Take action to keep your pup healthy! Vet checks, a balanced diet, exercise and grooming are key. Being aware of these issues helps you care for your Dogue de Bordeaux throughout its life. The cost might be high, but the joy it brings is priceless!

Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux

When contemplating owning a Dogue de Bordeaux, careful consideration and commitment are key. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Diet and Nutrition: A balanced, nutritious diet is essential for their health. Talk to a vet to find the best food and feeding plan.
  • Exercise Requirements: Despite their size, they don’t need too much exercise. Walks, playtime and mental stimulation are enough.
  • Grooming and Care: Their short coat needs little grooming. Regular brushing is important though, as well as nail trims, ear cleaning and dental care.
  • Training and Socialization: Training is vital for their behavior. Positive reinforcement works well. Early socialization with people and other animals is also a must.
  • Common Health Issues: Generally healthy, but they can suffer from hip dysplasia, heart issues, allergies or bloat. Veterinary check-ups and preventive care can help.

Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux can be rewarding, but requires love, patience and a secure living environment. Temperament can vary, so it’s important to understand your dog’s needs and preferences.

By considering all of these points, potential owners can make an informed decision and provide the best care for this breed. Dogue de Bordeaux: Add them to your family and expect slobber, snuggles and lots of love.

Suitability as a Family Pet

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a great family pet. Its temperament, loyalty, and protective nature make it an affectionate and gentle companion. It’s great for guarding, with its size and muscular build. Plus, its calm demeanor and strong bond with its family make it highly suitable for families.

dogue de bordeaux size

However, early training and socialization are important for good behavior. Understanding grooming needs and potential health issues is also necessary. Exercise is key, due to the dog’s size and strength.

Potential owners should be aware of its unique characteristics. For example, its droopy facial skin may need extra cleaning and drying. It’s also prone to hip dysplasia and heart problems. So, families should be prepared to provide the necessary care and attention for their pet’s well-being.

Cost of Ownership

Caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux? Here are 3 key points to budget for:

  1. Food: Large breeds need more sustenance. Choose high-quality dog food designed for big breeds.
  2. Vet Care: Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and treatments like flea and tick preventatives are essential. Factor in annual vet visits and emergency care if needed.
  3. Grooming: A short coat requires minimal grooming. Brush regularly to remove loose hair and keep their coat healthy. Plus, nail trims and dental care.

And don’t forget bedding, toys, training classes, and professional training sessions for socialization and obedience. Take all these factors into account to ensure you’re financially prepared to give your Dogue de Bordeaux the best life. Investing in their wellbeing from the start will bring a happy, healthy, and rewarding partnership.

Tips for Care and Maintenance

Caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux requires attention to their needs. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. Diet and Nutrition: Feed a balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs. Ask a vet for the right schedule and portions based on age, activity, and health.
  2. Exercise: Give daily walks, playtime, and other forms of exercise to prevent obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Grooming and Care: Brush their short coat regularly. Also attend to their ears, nails, and teeth to prevent issues.
  4. Training and Socialization: Start training with positive reinforcement. Socialize them with other dogs and people to make them comfortable in various situations.

Individual needs may vary, so regular check-ups with a vet are important to monitor overall health.

Additionally, provide mental stimulation due to their intelligence. Interactive toys or puzzles can help keep their minds sharp and prevent boredom.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is very old. From France, they were bred as working dogs for tasks like guarding or pulling. Now, they are popular and loyal family companions around the world.

Final Thoughts on the Breed Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as the French Mastiff, is an immense and powerful breed. It needs special care due to its size and potential health issues. We discussed its physical traits, temperament, growth, health, nutrition, exercise, grooming, training, and socialization. Plus, common health problems and owning one as a family pet were also discussed. And, the costs of ownership and tips for care were shared.

Remember: The Dogue de Bordeaux needs attentive care. Feed it a balanced diet with proper nutrition to support its growth. Exercise is essential for physical and mental stimulation. Grooming should be regular to keep the coat healthy. Training should use positive reinforcement.

If you’re considering one, be aware of the financial responsibility. Expenses such as food, grooming supplies, vet bills, training classes, and medical treatments for health issues can add up. But, the love and companionship you’ll receive from a Dogue de Bordeaux will be worth it. Don’t miss out on this incredible breed!

Detailed Chart of Dogue de Bordeaux Size

Discover the detailed chart of Dogue de Bordeaux size, including measurements for both male and female dogs. This comprehensive guide provides useful insights into the size variations within this breed.

From understanding the average height and weight of male Dogue de Bordeaux to exploring the size range for females, this section offers invaluable information for those curious about the dimensions of these magnificent dogs.

Male Dogue de Bordeaux Size

A Male Dogue de Bordeaux can vary in size. Height and weight are important considerations. The breed standard suggests a height between 23.6-27.5 inches (60-70 cm) and a weight of 110-130 pounds (50-59 kg). These measurements are just guidelines, and individual dogs may differ.

See the table below for the ideal size for male Dogue de Bordeaux:

Height Weight
23.6-27.5 inches (60-70 cm) 110-130 pounds (50-59 kg)
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Genetics and overall health can affect size. Owners need to give their Dogue de Bordeaux proper nutrition and exercise to reach a healthy size.

The size of Dogue de Bordeaux was historically important. They were used for guarding estates and hunting large game. Their size made them great protectors.

Knowing the appropriate size for male Dogue de Bordeaux is essential. Breeders and owners should follow the breed standard and provide good care. This will help the dogs reach their full size potential while remaining healthy.

Female Dogue de Bordeaux Size

The female Dogue de Bordeaux has a unique size and physical characteristics. According to the breed standard, these ladies have a specific height and weight range. They are known for their impressive size and strength.

To know what to expect, a table can be created. This table will show the average height and weight of female Dogue de Bordeaux. The reference data provides detailed charts with sizes of male and female Dogue de Bordeaux.

However, some individual variation is possible. Genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health can affect the size and development.

These ladies also possess a calm and gentle temperament. They are described as affectionate, loyal, and protective of their families. So, proper training and socialization are important.

The Dogue de Bordeaux has a rich history in France. They were originally used as working dogs, like guarding livestock or pulling carts. Eventually, they became popular as companions due to their loving nature and loyalty.

Understanding the size of female Dogue de Bordeaux is key for potential owners. With appropriate care, training, and nutrition, these dogs can thrive physically and mentally throughout their lives.

History and Origins of Dogue de Bordeaux

The history and origins of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed unfold, revealing its fascinating journey through time, including its cultural significance and evolutionary milestones.

The Dogue de Bordeaux, also known as the French Mastiff, is a large and powerful pooch. Known for its strong body and gentle personality, it’s become a top choice for families wanting a devoted and protective companion. Let’s explore the various aspects of owning and caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux!

Size-wise, males are usually between 23 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh in between 110 to 145 pounds. Females are smaller, standing between 23 to 26 inches and weighing between 99 to 120 pounds – based on the breed standard set by kennel clubs.

Factors like genetics, nutrition and exercise affect the growth and development of a Dogue de Bordeaux. It’s important to give them proper care during their growth stage to make sure they develop into healthy adults. Rapid growth can sometimes lead to health issues, so take extra care with larger breeds like the Dogue de Bordeaux.

dogue de bordeaux size

To keep them fit and healthy, a balanced diet is key. Regular exercise is also necessary to stop them putting on too much weight. Grooming and care help keep their coat glossy and free from skin issues or infections.

Training and socialization help make the Dogue de Bordeaux friendly and well-behaved around people and other animals. Even though they’re usually calm, training helps set boundaries and obedience.

Health issues specific to this breed include hip dysplasia, heart problems and skin infections. Regular vet check-ups are important to catch any issues early and make sure they get the right treatment.

Pro Tip: This breed needs a lot of space to stay happy and healthy. So make sure they have enough living space to prevent feelings of confinement or restlessness.

Uncovering the fascinating past of the Dogue de Bordeaux – from ancient guardians to modern-day couch potatoes.

Historical Significance

The Dogue de Bordeaux has a history stretching back to ancient times. It was cherished for its strength and loyalty. It originated in France and was used as a guard for castles, vineyards, and livestock. Plus, it pulled carts and hunted boars.

However, during the French Revolution, this breed almost became extinct. But, breeders saved it. By the early 20th century, it was recognized in Europe and North America.

Nowadays, the Dogue de Bordeaux is loved for its impressive look and gentle nature. They are often kept as family pets and are known for their love.

So, if you want a Dogue de Bordeaux, remember their past. Proper training and socialization are key for a balanced companion. This breed has become the lovable goofballs they are today!

Evolution of Breed

The Dogue de Bordeaux has changed over the years. Its physical appearance, size and behavior are different. To understand this evolution, we have to look at its history and origins.

One way to observe these changes is by looking at a table. It shows the differences in physical characteristics, like height and weight. It also shows how the breed’s temperament has changed.

In addition, other factors, like environment and human influence, have shaped the breed’s physical attributes and behavior. But some traits remain the same. The Dogue de Bordeaux is still loyal and protective.

DNA analysis shows this breed is related to ancient breeds like Molossus and Alanos. This adds another layer to our understanding of the breed’s evolution.

By exploring the history and origins of the Dogue de Bordeaux, we can gain valuable insight into its remarkable journey.

Characteristics and Temperament of Dogue de Bordeaux

Diving into the world of Dogue de Bordeaux, we uncover the intriguing characteristics and temperament of this magnificent breed. Discover the fascinating details of their physical traits, including height and weight, as well as their unique temperament that sets them apart. Get ready to explore the essence of Dogue de Bordeaux and gain a deeper understanding of what makes them truly special.

The Dogue de Bordeaux Size: A Complete Breed Size Guide article starts off with an introduction that offers a general overview of the topic. It informs readers about the breed’s size, characteristics, and offers insight to help them make an informed decision.

The article then dives into the breed standard of the Dogue de Bordeaux. It covers their physical traits, height, weight, and temperament. This gives readers a better understanding of what to expect.

Reference data is also provided to give details on growth, development, growth rate, maturity, external influences, and health issues. This helps prospective owners plan for challenges and considerations when owning a Dogue de Bordeaux.

To sum up, the introductory segment provides an overview of Dogue de Bordeaux size and characteristics. It also includes information about temperament, care needs, health concerns, ownership costs, and more.

This unique breed is so distinctive, you’ll definitely recognize them at the park!

Physical Characteristics

The Dogue de Bordeaux has physical features that make it stand out! A large body, broad skull, thick neck, wrinkled skin, and a special coat in shades from fawn to mahogany. To show off the breed’s looks, use a table! It can highlight size, weight, and unique features:

Physical Features Male Female
Size (inches) 23-27 23-26
Weight (lbs) 110-145 99-120
Unique Features Stop and skin wrinkles

But there’s more to this dog than looks! The temperament, grooming needs, exercise needs, and health considerations of this breed should be considered too. Then owners can know what it takes to look after and love the special Dogue de Bordeaux.

Height and Weight

When it comes to the height and weight of a Dogue de Bordeaux, you must know the breed standard. Their physical features are key for accurate measurements.

A chart displays the sizes of male and female dogs:

Male size: 23.5 – 27 inches (59.7 – 68.6 cm) in height and 110 – 140 pounds (49.9 – 63.5 kg) in weight.

Female size: 22 – 25 inches (55.9 – 63.5 cm) in height and 99 – 120 pounds (44.9 – 54.4 kg) in weight.

This chart gives an idea of the height and weight range for males and females. Variations can occur due to genetics and other factors.

Knowing the ideal height and weight is needed for the dog’s diet, exercise, grooming and care. This information helps owners identify any health issues that could arise due to growth.


The Dogue de Bordeaux is renowned for its distinct temperament. It is usually calm and patient, earning it the name of gentle giant. They are loyal and loving to their family, making them great companions. Despite its size, it is usually well-behaved and not overly aggressive. Socialization and training is key to ensure it is obedient and adjusted.

Sometimes, these dogs can be quite stubborn. This is especially true while training – they may not obey commands or act independently. Nonetheless, with consistent and firm training, they can be reliable and obedient. Additionally, they need human companionship and may show anxious or destructive behavior if left alone for too long.

The Dogue de Bordeaux possess an instinctive protective nature. They are naturally wary of strangers and will defend their territory and family. They make great watchdogs, yet socialization is still essential at an early age to prevent aggression towards people or animals. It is important to be the pack leader through consistent rules and boundaries.

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For a harmonious relationship, proper care, socialization, and training are essential. Exercise is important for mental and physical health. Grooming should not be overlooked either; regular brushing helps maintain a healthy coat and builds a connection with your pup. By understanding their needs and giving love and guidance, you can develop a beautiful bond with this majestic breed.

Owning and Caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux

Owning and caring for a Dogue de Bordeaux is more than just having a pet – it’s a responsibility. In this section, we’ll dive into the essentials of keeping a Dogue de Bordeaux as a companion. From meeting their dietary needs to ensuring proper exercise and grooming, we’ll cover all aspects of caring for this magnificent breed. Additionally, we’ll explore training and socialization, common health issues, lifespan, and the cost of ownership. Get ready to become a well-informed and dedicated caretaker of your Dogue de Bordeaux.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a well-known, large-sized breed from France. It’s known for its impressive physical traits and gentle temperament. In this guide, we’ll explore various aspects including its history, size, characteristics and care requirements. So, potential owners can decide if this is the right breed for them.

We must understand the breed’s standard to get an idea of what to expect. This includes physical traits such as height and weight, as well as temperament traits that define their personality. Also, their growth rate and maturity process is unique. Factors like genetics and nutrition affect this. Plus, knowing the common health issues helps owners identify any problems early on.

Their diet and nutrition needs must be taken into account. They have specific dietary needs based on size and activity level. Exercise is important to keep them healthy and happy. Grooming and care routines help with their overall well-being.

Owning a Dogue de Bordeaux comes with responsibilities and costs. Before making a commitment, make sure it suits your lifestyle. Training and socialization are key to shaping their behavior. Understanding common health issues helps owners provide preventive measures or seek help when needed. This enhances their lifespan and quality of life. So, feed them well and hide the snacks when you’re binge-watching!

Diet and Nutrition

The Dogue de Bordeaux, also known as the French Mastiff, needs specific nutrition to stay healthy. The breed-standard does not mention a diet plan. But, a high-quality dog food that fits the pup’s age, size, and activity level is recommended.

Nutrition is vital for a Dogue de Bordeaux’s growth. Puppies need a diet that helps them grow fast. As they age, their nutritional needs change. So, adjust their diet accordingly.

In addition to regular meals, provide treats and snacks to avoid weight gain. Monitor their weight to make sure they stay in a healthy condition.

The Dogue de Bordeaux do not have any breed-related dietary limitations. Consult a vet to decide an appropriate diet plan based on your pup’s needs.

Exercise Requirements

A Dogue de Bordeaux needs daily exercise to stay fit and healthy. Here are some important points to consider:

  • Walks: Take your Dogue de Bordeaux for a brisk walk every day – at least 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Playtime: Playing with your Dogue de Bordeaux is also great exercise. Fetch, tug-of-war, and other interactive games will keep them active.
  • Moderate exercise: Hiking and swimming are moderate activities suitable for your Dogue de Bordeaux. But, the intensity should match their individual capabilities.
  • Mental stimulation: Puzzle toys, obedience training, and agility exercises will keep their minds engaged.

Exercise is essential for a Dogue de Bordeaux. It prevents obesity and supports their physical and mental wellbeing. Dogues de Bordeaux have a moderate energy level compared to other large breeds. So, you must provide adequate exercise according to their size and age.

Max’s story is a reminder of this. His owner underestimated his exercise needs and kept him in a small apartment. Max soon became obese and had joint problems. After consulting a vet and making lifestyle changes, including regular exercise, he got healthy again.

To get the most out of your giant, drooling love machine, make sure to provide the necessary exercise for your Dogue de Bordeaux.

Grooming and Care

Grooming and care of a Dogue de Bordeaux is key to their health and beauty. So, understand what they need!

  • Brush their short, dense coat weekly to stop mats.
  • Baths aren’t needed often. Too much can strip natural oils.
  • Trim nails every 2-3 weeks to avoid problems.
  • Check ears for infection and wax buildup.
  • Brush teeth and give dental chews or toys.
  • Clean eyes with a damp cloth, visit a vet for problems.

Look after them in other ways too. Provide a balanced diet, exercise, training, socialization and vet check-ups. Do this and they’ll stay happy and healthy. Remember – no training and socialization? They could think they’re Godzilla and act like it!

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are key for Dogue de Bordeaux owners. Gentle reinforcement works best. Early socialization is critical for these dogs to be well-behaved and comfortable in various settings.

Start basic obedience training at a young age to set boundaries and encourage good behavior. Advanced training offers mental stimulation and challenges. Regular social interaction with people, animals, and other dogs is important for development and to avoid potential behavioral issues.

These sensitive dogs need patient, consistent, and positive training methods. Praise and rewards are essential. This breed has a background in guarding properties. Socialization prevents aggression. Training should focus on teaching them proper behavior around strangers or unfamiliar situations.

In the past, these dogs were used for hunting, herding livestock, guarding estates, and even fighting. But, selective breeding has focused more on guarding abilities than fighting. Today, Dogue de Bordeaux is a loyal family pet rather than a fighter.

Common Health Issues

The Dogue de Bordeaux is prone to some health issues that potential owners should know. These include:

  • Joint and bone problems like hip dysplasia and arthritis.
  • Heart diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • Breathing difficulties due to their short snout and facial structure.
  • Skin conditions including allergies, yeast infections, and dermatitis.
  • Cancer like mast cell tumors and hemangiosarcoma.
  • Eye issues like cherry eye, entropion, and cataracts.

Also, unique health risks may appear in individual dogs. Therefore, it’s important to discuss preventive measures with a vet.

The Dogue de Bordeaux has a shorter lifespan than many other breeds. On average, they live 5-7 years.


The Dogue de Bordeaux is known for its shorter life compared to other breeds. With the right care, this pup can live happily! On average, a Dogue de Bordeaux lives 8-10 years. But genetics, diet, exercise, and health care can impact this number. This pup may also suffer from certain health issues that can shorten their lifespan, like hip dysplasia, heart problems, and cancer. Every dog is unique, so owners must provide proper vet care, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lots of love to help their pup stay healthy and live longer. Yes, owning a Dogue de Bordeaux may be expensive, but those slobbery kisses make it all worth it!

Cost of Ownership

Gettin’ a Dogue de Bordeaux? You’ll need to consider the Cost of Ownership. Food, grooming, healthcare, and accessories can add up. Check out this table to get an idea of what you’ll be spending:

Category Approx. Cost
Food $50 – $100/mo.
Grooming $50 – $100/mo.
Vet Care $500 – $1k/yr.
Vaccinations $100 – $200/yr.
Training Classes $100 – $200/session
Toys & Accessories $50 – $100/yr.

Remember, these prices could vary. Plus, there may be extra expenses down the road. But don’t worry – with planning and budgeting, you can give your pup the best life. Enjoy your time together!

Final Thoughts on the Dogue de Bordeaux Breed

The Dogue de Bordeaux, otherwise known as the French Mastiff, is majestic and powerful. It has a big head, muscular body, and weights ranging from 110-145 pounds for males and 99-120 pounds for females. This giant breed needs a dedicated owner to handle its size and strength. Additionally, its size can cause medical issues, such as joint problems and obesity. Owners must provide proper care, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine vet check-ups, to keep it healthy.

It’s interesting that the difference between male and female weights is so large. Males weigh 110-145 pounds, while females are typically 99-120 pounds. Potential owners should remember this when choosing a puppy.

In summary, the Dogue de Bordeaux needs plenty of space to move around. Giving it a large backyard is essential to its well-being and happiness.

Some Facts About Dogue de Bordeaux Size: A Complete Breed Size Guide:

  • The Dogue de Bordeaux is a large breed of dog, with males weighing between 119-143 lbs and females weighing the same.
  • The ideal height for an adult Dogue de Bordeaux is between 23 to 27 inches.
  • The growth of a Dogue de Bordeaux is complete after 24 months, and they reach their final size at that time.
  • The life expectancy of Dogue de Bordeauxs is 5 to 8 years, which is below average compared to other breeds.
  • Fully grown female Dogue de Bordeauxs have approximately the same final weight as males.

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